Trusted Assessor Refresher Course

About this course

Whether you’re a seasoned and confident trusted assessor or someone who hasn’t used these skills recently, this refresher course is tailored to benefit you.

As job roles evolve over time, staying updated becomes crucial. What was pertinent a few years ago may not hold true today. Our refresher courses offer an opportunity to revisit and strengthen foundational knowledge, ensuring professionals stay proficient and contemporary in their roles. Keep your skills sharp and relevant with our refresher program.

Who is the course for?

  • All level 3 trusted assessors, or professionals who would like to update their knowledge and skills on low-level equipment.


This Trusted Assessor Refresher course can also be provided as a bespoke session for your organisation. Please contact us for more information.


£145.00 +VAT per person

Terms & conditions

Learn about our cancellation policy and other terms and conditions.

Upcoming training dates

Burrows House

Wardley Industrial Estate,
10 Priestley Road,
Wardley, Worsley,
Manchester, M28 2LY
View on Google maps

Our Burrows House training facility is fully accessible and has free parking on site. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or call us on: 0161 214 4590

Enquire about this training course

If you would like further information, or to book onto our training course, contact the team on 0161 214 4590

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